
Chronic Non-healing Wounds

Physical Medicine located in Aurora, IL

Chronic Non-healing Wounds

About Chronic Non-healing Wounds

Chronic non-healing wounds are often painful and disabling and can cause potentially life-threatening complications. Pure Health Aurora in Aurora, Illinois, in partnership with United Wound Care Centers would like to help you if you have a chronic, non-healing wound that has not responded to traditional wound care treatment.  Our United Wound Care Centers team is here to help, we will assess your wound(s) and create a comprehensive care plan to address the underlying complications. Call United Wound Care Centers in partnership with our Pure Health Aurora team today at 630. 478.9939 or schedule a wound care consultation online today.

Chronic Non-healing Wounds Q&A
What are chronic non-healing wounds?
Chronic non-healing are wounds that don’t heal after several weeks to months despite receiving proper care and dressing. These types of wounds often require an advanced approach to treatment. These persistent wounds are prone to infection and can quickly deteriorate, leaving the patient at risk of further complications. 
Wounds form when the skin and underlying tissues weaken and break down. This could be due to any combination of the following:
  • Diabetes
  • Reduced blood flow - CVI (Compromised Veins) PAD (Pepherial Arterial Disease)  
  • Pressure Sores
  • Fluid retention
  • Complecations following surgery
  • High blood pressure
  • Older age
  • Infection
  • Other Complications
What chronic non-healing wounds might affect me?
The primary types of chronic non-healing wounds are:
Diabetic ulcers
Diabetes causes issues that increase the risk of ulcers. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy can develop (especially in the lower limbs), causing numbness that prevents you from noticing cuts and infections. Diabetes also affects the blood vessels, reducing circulation and limiting your body’s healing abilities.

Venous ulcers
Venous ulcers typically develop in people with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), resulting from faulty leg vein valves. These valves open to allow blood to pump back to the heart and close to stop blood from traveling back down the legs. If the valves weaken, blood pools, and fluid builds up in the tissues.
Pressure ulcers
Pressure ulcers most often develop after prolonged immobilization, like being bed-bound or mobility challenged individuals who an unable to avoid persistent pressure in one or more areas of the body.
We also treat: 
  • Mohs Surgery Wounds
  • Non-healing surgical incisions 
  • Scrapes and cuts that won't heal or have grown since injury
What treatment would I need for chronic non-healing wounds?
Our team at United Wound Care Centers of Aurora in partnership with Pure Health Aurora will evaluate every patient individually to establish the most appropriate treatment for chronic non-healing wounds. We assess each condition and follow a protocol and custom decision-making process on each patient.  Standards of care include:
  • Wound Assessment
  • Conservative Interventions and Dressing Changes
  • Debridement and bioburden controlling dressings
  • Advanced Wound Care Protocol using a portfolio of advance technology skin substitutes
  • Patient and Care Giver Education
  • Wound Evaluations on a weekly basis or as clinically indicated
  • Coordination of Care with referring or Primary Treating Providers. 
What Sets us apart: 
  • We offer outpatient care at our clinic with prompt scheduling or in home services for home bound and mobility challenged patients.  
  • Referral Calls Returned Promptly 
  • Most Patients Scheduled Within One Week
  • Personalized Care Plans
  • Improved Quality of Life During and After Treatment