
Knee Pain

Physical Medicine located in Aurora, IL

Knee Pain

About Knee Pain

Stubborn knee pain can keep you on the sidelines, but our team at Pure Health Aurora can help you get back in action. Our team treats a wide range of knee problems at our office in Aurora, Illinois; your providers work together to deliver holistic care. With joint rejuvenation, a chiropractic adjustment, or rehabilitation, you can achieve lasting pain relief. Let Pure Health Aurora help you explore your options. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Knee Pain Q&A

What is knee pain?

Your knee is a complex structure made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and small bones. If you injure any of these parts, you might develop knee pain. Knee pain can make it hard to walk, run, or lift heavy objects. For many patients, an injury may make daily tasks unbearable due to pain. Without treatment, a knee injury can cause chronic pain, diminishing a patient's quality of life. 

Before you can receive treatment for your knee pain, you need an expert diagnosis. Here at Pure Health Aurora, our team will find the root cause of your pain and develop a plan of care to treat it. 

What causes knee pain?

Among older adults, knee pain can often be a sign of arthritis. Arthritis causes inflammation inside your joints. If you have arthritis, you may also notice swelling around your knees or a sensation of heat.

Your knee pain could also be linked to an injury. Many people develop knee pain after:

  • A sports injury
  • A car accident
  • A fall
  • Lifting a heavy object

Pain caused by an injury often appears suddenly. Your knee might also make a snapping, popping, or cracking sound. However, snapping, popping, or cracking is not an confirmatory sign that you have a knee injury. 

If you think you’ve injured your knee, seek care right away. Prompt treatment can help you avoid permanent knee damage and heal quicker.

How is knee pain treated?

At Pure Health Aurora, you will work with a team of qualified experts that create a personalized treatment plan that is designed to relieve your pain and improve your knee function. 

Your care team may recommend chiropractic care, a rehabilitation protocol, or joint rejuvenation. Your provider can also recommend manual or massage therapy to reduce pain and promote healing. 

Treatment in our office will cover Four Phases of Care – Relief Care, Corrective Care, Strengthening, and Wellness Care. Throughout these phases of care, our team will aim to reduce pain and inflammation, repair tissue, improve your range of motion, and help you return to doing the things you love!

Are you struggling with knee pain? Let Pure Health Aurora help. Call our office or request an consultation online today.