

Physical Medicine located in Aurora, IL


About Neuropathy

Neuropathy refers to dysfunction or damage affecting the nerves in your body. If you’re experiencing nerve pain or other neuropathy symptoms, visit our team at Pure Health Aurora in Aurora, Illinois. We will design a comprehensive and personalized treatment program to reduce or relieve your symptoms. To benefit from holistic neuropathy care, call our team at Pure Health Aurora or request an appointment online today.

Neuropathy Q&A

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy is pain and other symptoms caused by nerve damage or dysfunction.

Peripheral nerves activate muscles when you want to move and relay touch sensations like heat and cold to your brain. They also warn your brain when you experience an injury or are in danger of physical harm, like getting too close to a fire. You feel these warning signals as pain.

Peripheral neuropathy causes other sensations, including:

  • Tingling
  • Prickling
  • Burning
  • Pins-and-needles
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Loss of function

Some neuropathic conditions affect many nerves, while others, like trigeminal neuralgia (facial pain), affect a single nerve.

What causes neuropathy?

Neuropathy causes include injury, infection, surgery, medication side effects, and disease complications. Diseases where neuropathy is a common symptom include:

  • Shingles 
  • Cancerous and noncancerous tumors
  • Underactive thyroid gland
  • Liver and kidney disease
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Lupus, Guillain-Barré, and other autoimmune diseases
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and other inherited disorders

Our team at Pure Health Aurora often treats people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy — a common neuropathic disorder. It most often affects the feet and is a common complication of diabetes.

The high blood glucose levels typical of poorly managed diabetes damage nerves in your feet. Diabetes also affects blood flow in your legs and feet. You could injure your foot and not feel it if you have diabetic peripheral neuropathy, causing an open sore (diabetic ulcer).

How is neuropathy diagnosed and treated?

Our team at Pure Health Aurora will perform a thorough review and physical exam. In this exam, we may review your blood work, discuss the limitations of your neuropathy, and identify your motivating factors. After a consulation, our team of providers will craft a customized treatment plan that meets your needs. 

Treatments vary depending on the neuropathy’s cause but could include:

  • Infrared Light Therapy
  • Vasoneumatic Compression
  • Rehabilitation Protocol
  • Home Care Units (DME)
  • Chiropractic manipulation
  • Massage therapy
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections
  • Prescription Medication
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

With the right help, you can reduce neuropathy’s effects and lead a more rewarding life.

Call our team at Pure Health Aurora or request an appointment online today to benefit from exceptional neuropathy care.